协会动态 | Association News


Investment and financing conference 2010

随着境外资本市场的逐步恢复,创业板的推出,投资者的投资决策面临变革,哪些行业能够率先成为复苏先锋??哪些行业还将继续深陷危机旋窝??哪些行业是政府主导的产业领头羊…… [更多]

With the gradual recovery of overseas capital markets, the introduction of the GEM, the investor's investment decisions facing the changes, which the industry can become the vanguard of the recovery? ? Which industries will continue to spin in crisis nest? ? What industry is the industry leader in government-led…… [more]












亚太消息 | Asia News


The Chinese economy grew 9.6 per cent in the third quarter from a year earlier


Inflation rate rises as growth slows


The challenge facing China


Chinese bank chief urges push overseas

全球新闻 | Global News


US and China: Two giants locked in a symbiotic embrace


Weak dollar boosts equities to two-year high


Soaring US trade deficitfuels tension


US multinationals call for tax amnesty to free ‘trapped’ cash


Overseas demand propels US manufacturers

All the news from the IFA

 IFA online  News  Events  Branches  Members only
October 2010

Something to celebrate

The UK is on the brink of a fledgling recovery and it would be wonderful if we could all breathe a collective sigh of relief and look to the future with optimism. Speculation on the Comprehensive Spending Review has created numerous uncertainties, and even after we know the results, it will be some time before it's possible to judge whether business collectively has reason for renewed optimism or renewed pessimism.

Fortunately, the recent success of the IFA Achievement Awards means that the winners and members of the institute do have something to celebrate. The event was a huge success, which recognised the hard work and hard won successes of many parts of the small business community, and raised the institute profile so significantly that the IFA got a mention on Sky News.
Members may also want to celebrate some of the new membership benefits coming their way. Recent innovations have included a regional conference programme for 2010 and 2011, special deals on contracts for mobile phones, broadband and landlines, even more online CPD courses, preferential rates on professional indemnity insurance, dual membership of the Federation of Tax Advisers – and more.
All of these are designed to make it easier for members to do their jobs as easily and effectively as possible – something that could also be enhanced if you could look forward to a reduction in government bureaucracy. I know that many of you feel strongly about this, so please reply to the recent IFA mailing on red tape, and together maybe we can reduce this burden. Then we would all have something else to celebrate.

David Woodgate 


 In the news
FRC SAVED FROM THE QUANGO BONFIRE: The Financial Reporting Council has been saved from the bonfire of quangos promised by the government. more
ICAS SAYS HMRC COMMUNICATION HAS 'DETERIORATED DRASTICALLY': ICAS says it is becoming increasingly difficult to communicate with HM Revenue & Customs, and that this is responsible for the rise in systemic errors in tax administration. more  
RECESSION FUELS START-UP BOOM: More than 200,000 new businesses opened in the six months that followed the recession – the highest for more than a decade, an analysis of Companies House data has revealed. more 
BANKS TO SET UP £1.5BN FUND FOR SMALL BUSINESS INVESTMENT: Britain’s leading banks are to set up a £1.5bn fund to invest in small businesses, after admitting for the first time that there are problems in lending to this sector. more
KNOCK -BACK FOR ACCOUNTANTS ON LEGAL PRIVILEGE: The Court of Appeal has unanimously confirmed that legal professional privilege only apples to qualified lawyers, thus dashing the hopes of accountancy bodies who had mounted a campaign to extend the status to themselves. more 
 IFA member services



EXPECT MORE: The IFA is expanding its range of member benefits to include: reduced rates for PII, more online CPD, more technical updates, and more branch networking opportunities, plus specialist support for members in commerce, industry and practice. Learn more here.  
IFA PRIVILEGES: Check out the benefits available to members using the IFA Privileges scheme, which include the following offer from Gourmet Society:

2 for 1 Dining or 25% off the whole bill

  • The offer: 2 for 1 dining or 25% off the whole bill including drinks       
  • Discounted card costs £24.95 a year
  • Eating out 6 times a year could save you £ 124.45* 
To learn more about this offer click here.     

*Terms and conditions apply - savings figure based on the 2 for 1 offer for two people saving £24.40 per visit, multiplied by 6 visits minus the £24.95 for the discount card.
NEW IFA MEMBER'S HANDBOOK AVAILABLE ONLINE: A revised edition of the IFA Members’ Handbook is now available for download (or simply reading) from the Members Only section of the IFA website. Please note: a members’ login is required for access to the handbook. You can find it here.
ETHICS WORKSHOPS: The IFA is organising a number of half-day ethics workshops during the first quarter of 2011. Members and students who want to build one into their busy schedule can learn about the venues, content, dates and times, and book a place by visiting here.  
HARNESS THE POTENTIAL OF THE INTERNET: Discover how your business can better exploit the internet by joining the Forum of Private Business at one of its free business support and networking events.
The Forum, a pro-active and not-for-profit support organisation for small businesses, is holding a series of events around the country between now and early December to help small businesses take the first steps to improving their business online and boosting their profile on the internet. IFA members are invited to come along to listen to advice from a leading UK web design and search engine optimisation company, and meet fellow small business owners in the area.
To find your nearest event and to book your free place call the Forum on 0845 612 6266 or visit here.

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论坛预告 | SEMINAR for 2010 to 2011

主题(Topic):辞旧迎新话理财 展望2011年理财机会







随着后经济危机时代的逐渐延伸,国内投资环境逐渐好转,投资者热情不断高涨,纵观市场近期动向,虽有阶段性上行但未来是否呈现“大牛市”仍存疑。有部分基金经理人指出, 11月下旬市场将出现暴跌后的第一次技术反抽,然后12月上旬再杀跌洗盘一次,之后在12月下旬估计市场才会迎来真正的单边上涨行情,可以预见未来必然存在巨大的投资机会。哪些行业会领涨大盘?哪些股票会成为“主力军”?






主题(Topic):2011年度环球投资机会与策略 广州(待定)






备注 | Notes

NO.1论坛以后将采用更灵话更互动的方式,场地可能设在学校、会所、酒店、咖啡吧等,具体时间与地点将在报名确认后至活动开始三周内以短信及E-mail形式提 供。

NO.2 论坛将严格执行预报名制度,没有来电或短信登记的会员,均不接待,如登记出席但未能如约,年内累计超过三次者,恕不再提供论坛信息。

NO.3 论坛将根据不同需求与会员级别层次及专业,开办专题性的活动,如有合适的建议可随时与我们联系:020-85281952。


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